Rental Car Transport Services
Rental Car Inventory Logistics Pros
East Coast Auto Transport has been providing rental car inventory transportation and logistics for years. We can get your full inventory or a single car relocated with ease.
We support various sized rental car corporations and their partners with safe, timely, and reliable transportation options. Whether it’s from one franchise to another, direct to dealers transportation, direct to auction house, or straight to a customer’s home – we can handle your needs.
Branch Managers and Logistics Coordinators know that we use every bit of our 30 years’ industry experience to handle their transport and logistical needs.
Transporting Vehicles Throughout North America
East Coast Auto Transport operates with vetted partners throughout the continental United States and Canada.
State-wide moves, coast-to-coast relocations, corporate fleet moves, and more. We have your auto relocation needs covered.
Our Promise To You
Excellent Support.
Reliable Deliveries.
We have brokerage and carrier presence with sister company support, to handle any and all auto transport needs hands-on and as cost effective as possible.
We offer personal human customer service support from both of our corporate locations – West Palm Beach, FL and East Providence, RI.
We maintain levels of Cargo and Liability insurance above and beyond what is required by Industry standards to protect your interest during transit.